博古睿研究院推出思想杂志 Noema
随着第一期 Noema 杂志的发行,博古睿研究院基于《世界邮报》基础,在与《赫芬顿邮报》、《华盛顿邮报》多年良好合作关系之后,终于实现并推出了完全属于自己的出版平台。在古希腊语中,noēma主要指“思想”或“思考的对象”。我们希望借助历史的维度,窥探当下改变世界的关键性问题,试图在这个信息爆炸却又难辨真伪的媒体时代,阐明一些清晰的见解。
Noema 是一份探讨世界变革方向的杂志。我们推出有关哲学、地缘政治、经济学和科技等诸多跨领域的文章、报道、访谈、视频以及艺术作品。主张打破学科壁垒、尊重多元文化,目的在于突破传统思维瓶颈,激发社会深度交叉思考。从人工智能、气候危机到民主与资本主义的未来,Noema 将关注这些由人类变革带来的崭新议题,寻求对21世纪最紧迫挑战的深刻理解。
Noema 秉持深刻、严肃、理性的视角和态度,致力于成为社会各种声音的集萃。新闻媒介被赋予塑造一个更加公平和更可持续发展的世界的力量,因此我们不支持党派偏见,也不支持某一方特殊舆论,而是无偏见、中立地服务于公众利益。
Noema 全年在线出版,每一整年印刷一册年刊。
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Berggruen Institute Publishes New Magazine for Thinkers
Noema : Our image of the future will determine how we act today
With this first issue of Noema Magazine, the Berggruen Institute is launching its own publication after several years of partnerships, first with HuffPost and later The Washington Post, through our WorldPost
platform. In ancient Greek, the word noēma means “thinking” or “the
object of thought.” And that is our intention: to delve deeper into the
issues, at greater length and with more historical and social context,
in order to illuminate pathways of thought that are not possible to
pursue through the immediacy of daily media.
is a magazine exploring the transformations sweeping our world. We
publish essays, reporting, interviews, videos and art on the overlapping
realms of philosophy, geopolitics, economics and technology. In doing
so, our unique approach is to get out of the usual lanes and cross
disciplines, social silos and cultural boundaries. From artificial
intelligence and the climate crisis to the future of democracy and
capitalism, Noema Magazine seeks a deeper understanding of the most pressing challenges of the 21st century.
publishes thoughtful, rigorous, adventurous pieces by voices from both
inside and outside the institute. While committed to using journalism to
help build a more sustainable and equitable world, we do not promote
any particular set of national, economic or partisan interests.
Noema will be published online throughout the year with an annual print edition.
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